Did you know there are stories behind most of our fragrances? I'd love to tell you one today, it's about both of my Grandmas. There's a lot to unpack in this photo.
My Father’s Mother—we called her Grandma B—loved the color pink (pink kitchen appliances, pink wallpaper, pink and green wool carpet, you get the idea). She had cranberry colored glassware and pink depression glass, too. Although the pink depression glass dish holding a slice of apple pie pictured here wasn’t hers, as soon as I saw this piece I had to have it as it reminded me of her. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when I was 7 years old and she passed away in my early 20’s.
My Mother’s Mother—we called
her Grandma G—she’s the one I’ve shared about before, she passed away late 2018. The fork in this photo is from a set of silverware she bought me for my 18th birthday. We use the silverware everyday. It’s “Plantation” by Oneida and has since been retired. I remember her letting me pick out the set! The two rolling pins in this photo represent baking with Grandma G—the smaller one for the grandchild and the larger one for Grandma. It was always so fun to be in the kitchen with her. She was and still is the best baker and cook I've ever know.
And oh yeah the candles. The candles are our apple pie scent because my Grandma G’s apple pie was the best pie I’ve ever had and that’s where the name comes from: Grandma’s Best.
I miss my grandparents dearly and my Grandma G holds a pretty special place in my heart. I’m sure you have some special people in your heart, too. We would love to hear stories.
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